Tuesday, January 13, 2009

More pictures...

Big hugs for baby brother, Garrett!
Gracie is so protective of Garrett. It is very sweet to watch her with him.
The effects of jet lag...See Van in the background of this picture. Passed out! Bless his heart. It may be 4 pm, but his body says that it is 5 am in China.

Pajama days are so much fun!
How cute are they? The Sprout channel is so much more fun with a friend to share it with. I love Garrett's hair!!!!
This was one morning when I came downstairs with Garrett at 4 am, and Van was still awake from the night before. They both need some rest, but they cannot seem to get their bodies to adjust to the new U.S. time.


Heather said...

Love all of the pictures. Your children are so precious! He looks like he is adjusting very well to his forever family.

Cupcakes and Hairbows said...

Van I felt bad for you while we were in China together but now that I see you on your recliner, asleep while the kids are playing, I take it all back. I told Lucy that would be one HUGE advantage of both parents not going to China. I hope you are doing well. Lauren has been really sick for the past 4 days, fever, sore throat. Doug