Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Bakers Have Logan in China!!!

Check out that sweet baby boy! The Bakers are in China right now getting to know their new son. Nicole and Brandon live near us, and we are so excited for their family. Check out their blog when you can. Children are such a blessing, and we are so very fortunate to have friends here in our area that also have adopted children from China.

The Baker' Sweets

1 comment:

Amie said...

Came to you through Danielles blog.

Looks like we frequent many of the same blogs! :)

Isn't Logan the sweetest? I am so glad they are back safe and sound!!!

Congrats on the journey to your son. When do you go get him? WE are traveling in a week to go get our son who waits in Guangdong!

Thanks for letting me stop in.
