Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I know I have been so absent lately. Great news though! We are LID as of July 20, 2008!

That means that our paperwork is IN China now, and the CCAA is working on review and translation of our documents. The next step would be LOA, I think, which is where we sign a letter of acceptance from China stating that we indeed want to adopt our son, Van Garrett Chenguang. We also just found out that we need a "Power of Attorney" document for Van to take to China with him since I will not be travelling to China with him. So, that is our next big hurdle as we wait.

Travel to China still appears to be sometime in November... more than likely....around Thanksgiving, they say.

I have so many things to update everyone on here, but will wait until later to have pictures to show as well.

Gracie and I flew to Alabama recently and spent an entire week with the family. It was great to see everyone. Gracie had a blast with her cousins. I had a great time visiting with all of my sisters, Connie, Kathy, Polly, and Kristina, and my brother, Eric. I am including some pictures from our trip together. We missed Daddy, but he had to work and save his vacation time for the China trip. I would have called all of my Alabama friends, but I had a NASTY eye infection that would not go away. So, I was afraid to see anyone with that going on. But I'll be back in October hopefully for my niece, Rebecca's, wedding. While in Birmingham, we went by my childhood home, the home my father built almost 50 years ago. It has been remodeled and is GORGEOUS! But it doesn't look like "The Eitzen House" anymore. It is on the market right now for $750,000 and that price had been reduced from $800,000. It is amazing and shocking to see it now. My silver baby cup is buried somewhere in that yard! We never found it, but Mother always said she knew it was there somewhere because I took it outside when I was young and never came back with it. (I know...Why did she let me take it outside? Maybe I did it without permission, who knows!)


Stephanie said...

YAY! Congrats on the LID!!! YIPPEEE!!!

Patricia said...

FABULOUS news!! Now bring on the LOA!!

Kelly said...

Hi guys!
Remember us? We're the Dyers from your CCAI travel group to China in 2005. We have a blog spot too so just click on my name and you'll find us on the web!
I found Cynthia and Adam a while back and she emailed me your site!
I just posted some pictures of Lily for her up and coming 4th birthday in October. You can see them on our site!
Blessings to you!