Monday, June 23, 2008

A New Look, A New Outlook

Thanks so much to Danielle for giving us our "blog make-over". We are absolutely thrilled to see the blog finished and so soon! She is awesome, and we couldn't be happier with the new look!!! I will be shouting her name from the mountain tops from now on.

These are some cute pictures from my precious Godson's baptism. Grant is just adorable, and I am so HONORED and so PROUD to be his Godmother. Thanks, Laura and Brian! Isn't he the most handsome little boy you have ever seen? I think so! He is my great nephew. His mother is my niece, Laura. His Nana is my sister, Kathy. And Gracie adores Grant! We all adore Grant! He is the cutest baby boy with the funniest little giggle around.


grantsmama said...

Aww! We are so glad that you are Grant's godmother. He is a lucky little boy to have a godmother that loves him so much! I think Gracie is his favorite kid in the world! I have never seen him laugh so much as when he's around her!

Patricia said...

Grant is one adorable little boy, indeed! Great photos!! And how blessed he is with you as his Godmother! He & Gracie look so cute together too!

LOVE the blog-over, by the way!!

kitchu said...

What a wonderful day to celebrate- congratulations to little Grant!

LOVE the new look, and I'm always thrilled to see Gracie's smiling face :O) Love that pic of her and Grant.